Our Guiding Questions

How do we “read” the skies, the land, and the waters— and how do we learn from those “texts” in order to make decisions that positively affect ourselves and our communities?
  • How do we observe/experience/interpret the skies, the lands, and the waters, and how do we learn from others who are more experienced than us?
  • How do we learn from our world in order to make decisions that positively affect ourselves and our communities, and to avoid making decisions that negatively affect us?

The work of GEM — our research, community buildings, and product development — is centered around these guiding questions. We return to these questions and the ideas around “reading” our skies, lands, and waters when inviting new partners into our co-creation processes, when reflecting on our work, and when sharing the story of GEM. 


We extend our deepest gratitude to those that contributed to the early discussions that dove deep into the meanings of “reading” our places and what we use to “read,” and worked to translate these questions into local languages. 

Kajin Aelōñ Kein
Fóósun Chuuk
Elemen ad kalimijek men kein bwinnid einwot joorlan, joorane, kab joormeto, kab ewi waween ad Jitdam Kapeel jerbal ilo wawein kein?

Elemen ad katak jen men kein bwinnid, naaj jipan bobrae koj im jukukimpad ko ad jan joreen ko?
Ifa ussun aach óurufénú aach sipwe ánisi aramas?

Ifa ussun aach óuwosacha, sinneni, iká esinnafichi ussun napanapen fáán nááng, wóón fénú, me neeset pwe epwe nóngunóngun aach angaangen ánisi nónnómwun aramas?
Mahsen en Pohnpei
Kahs Kosrae
Ia mwomwen atail kin kasawih oh wehweki mwekid en pahn lahng, paliemoar, oh paliesed?

Oh ia mwomwen atail kak dodaohk ki mengihtik pwukat ni wiepen kaweidada dahme keieu mwahu oh konehng sapwellimatail momour pene nan wasahn kousoan kan.
Meac yen engyeng uh, fin sroan acn uh, ac kof uh kuh in ahkkahlwemye nuh sesr uh… ma kuht lotwelah kac ingacn ac kahsrwekuht fuhkah in oraclah sulaclah wowo ke moul lasr ac muhtwacngwacsr ke acn sesr uh?
Thin nu Waqab
Yalol Fulyach – Ulithi
Bu’uw rogon ni yima bi’eg fa nang fan lan e lang, dakan e binaw, nge mulul, ran, nge day; ma kub’uw rogon ni yima fil fa nang fan rok boche girdii ni ba nuw napan e ngongol nge par rorad u fayleng?

Bu’uw rogon ni gad ra nang fan tafandad nge gubin banan ni baa’ rii’ ni nge yog ni ngad dugliyed rogon e fafarwol ni fal ko par rodad ma dabi kireb nag banan rodad nge par rodad?
Be ifa sangal yach madaf irel meka sa lah ngaligich mo lal laeng , mo wulfului, mo leted—ngo meda mele sibe kai mo irel meka siya wiri, bo hare be mwal le sibe gula mele sibe foaru bo yebe tipngigich bo sibe fel ngo yefel yarmetal meka fulyach?
Tekoi er a Belau
Kede mekera a domes er a eanged, me a beluu me a daob e mekera a dengai a klubeled er ngii el mo uchul a klungiaol el me er kid me a buai?
How do we observe/experience/interpret the skies, the lands, and the waters, and how do we learn from others who are more experienced than us?

How do we learn from our world in order to make decisions that positively affect ourselves and our communities, and to avoid making decisions that negatively affect us?
Ifa ussun aarh sipwe osarheei me úrú nónnómwun fáán lááng, wóón fanú, me leemataw aan epwe eew alan aarh angaangen alisi nónnómwun aramas?
Ifa uluulun yaarh hipwe awekitekiiffirhii yaarh hipwe arhúwáátá yóuten looh fáán lááng, wóón fanúw, me wóón háát epwe tam epwe awekitekiiffirhii ngeni nonnoon aramah?
Epwe ifa tappan aarh sipwe auharheey alamalama, auluulu, areki, olóóy uken leemmal, aarh sipwe reepia fetalin mwókútún fáán lááng, wóón fanúw, me wóón háát reen aarh sipwe repieni me epwe toongeni wetik epwe fihi ngeni kirh pwal toori aarh kewe rhóó me fanúw?
Epwe ifa usun aach sipwe kileei weeweiti me aweeweeni een lááng, fénú, shaan an epwe alisikish reen aash óótóót me emwmwen reen mwirinnélóón me échchúlóón nónnómwuch? Lón aach nennengeni fáán laáng, fénú, me chaan ika aa ngaweló, ifa ussun aach sipwe échchúeló?

Ia usun aash sipwe toonganei ngoletei me aweewei masowan me mwakútúkútún fáán lááng, wóón fanew, me leeset me ia ussun aash sipwe kaé sangei meet saa weweitei reen aan epwe toonganei alisei nónnómwush me aash filaatá fáán itash me fanéwash?

Ia ussun aach sipwe weeweeti fáán lááng fanéw me sáát pwal ia usun aach sipwe kaé sangeer aach sipwe toongani filaatá meet epwe allimaala nonnoon emén me emén me fénúwash?

Ia usun aach sipwe weeweeti peileng fénú me léelé me ia usun aash sipwe kae sangei meet saa weeweiti pwe epwe alisikish le filáátá meet epwe allem nganei pwakún kiish me aramasen fanúwash?